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COFCO - Vídeo Motivacional

Titre traduit en anglais

COFCO Safety Stories

Film: Durée en minutes

9 minutes

Description du produit

The film tells the stories of 5 employees describing the consequences of unsafe behaviors and among them an employee that saved the life of 16 employees by using the right safety procedures after a accident involving electrical power.

Objectif et finalité

All testimonies were provided voluntarily.  The idea of this film is to increase the awareness of employees regarding the safety procedures and behaviors. This film is part of the EHS induction training for new employees and is also used in Safety Meetings performed by our company all over the world in order to reinforce the importance of Safety into our live. The movie has subtitles in 2 languages ( Spanish and English).

The film was recorded on a public theatre placed at the City of São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil. It took a total of 7 hours to be recorded and another 2 weeks to be edited.

Public cible

Employees and Contractors


Safety Behavior Campaign - "COFCO Mais Segura"

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Av José Munia, 4775 – Jardim Redentor - Loja 01 Nível 3 , Brazil-15085-350 São José do Rio Preto
+5517996530246 - +5517996530246